Furry Migration This Is Your Con

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Furry Migration is not about me... Furry Migration is a convention put on by staff and volunteers for the whole community and we want your advice and help!

Furry Migration has always been a special convention to me. This convention was not started by one person but by a group of local furs whose purpose is to do what they believe to make the best Minnesota furry convention.

Over the years this group expanded adding more and more volunteers whose purpose is to try to do the best convention possible. Some of these volunteers have years of experience others this is the first time working with a volunteer organization. All of them do their best to volunteer, without wages, putting their time and resources into the convention. We all do this with the hope that we make meaningful moments for our friends, and extended family from throughout the world.

So to do that we do ask that if you like or hate something the convention does let us know. We will listen and if possible we will change. We are not about doing something again and again if it’s not something people like. We also want to make sure we don’t change things people like. If you have feedback please use the contact form, I will be reading each and every one and will do my best to make sure that they are responded to.

If you like what we are doing and want to help out or even want to make changes in a meaningful way we are always looking for new staff and volunteers. By being staff or a volunteer at Furry Migration it allows the convention to improve and do better at what it does already…. Or better yet get new ideas to improve and help out others to have a great convention experience.

Thanks for reading and hope to see you at Furry Migration 2019

Your convention chairperson
Kurst Hyperyote

Dealer’s Den Applications

Dealer's Den is now taking applications for 2025! There is a limited amount of tables available and we want to make sure you have the best chance to get in!

2025 Pre-Registration

Reg $65
Sponsor $145
Super $220


Want to get more involved with Furry Migration? Check out our open staff positions!