Stats and Adminsitrivia

As the con years go by we want to keep a page for all your stats and administrative for the convention. Here is some information about past and future cons.

Furry Migration 2028

Dates: September 8-10, 2028
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Chairperson: TBD

Furry Migration 2027

Dates: September 10-12, 2027
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Chairperson: TBD

Furry Migration 2026

Dates: September 11-13, 2026
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Chairperson: TBD

Furry Migration 2025

Dates: September 5-7, 2025
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Chairperson: TBD

Furry Migration 2024

Dates: September 6-8, 2024
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Floors: 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR!
Chairperson: Kellic


Furry Migration 2023

Theme: Disco Fantasy
Dates: September 8-10, 2023
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Chairperson: Kellic
Guest of Honor: Pocket Wolf Studios, Frostbane
Convention Book: 2023 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Photos: 2023 Downtown Fursuit Walk, 2023 Floor Wars, 2023 Fursuit Dance Competition, 2023 Fursuit Games, 2023 Fursuit Parade, 2023 General Gallery, 2023 Nerf Wars, and 2023 Studio Photos.
Attendance: 1789
Fursuit Parade: 435
Charity: $3493


Furry Migration 2022

Theme: Intergalactic Grand Prix
Dates: September 9-11, 2022
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Chairperson: Legionnaire, Vulan
Guest of Honor: TheRoguez
Special Guest: Avian Invasion
Convention Book: 2022 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Photos: 2022 Floor Wars, 2022 General, 2022 Parade, 2022 Fursuit Dance Competition, and 2022 Studio.

Attendance: 1559
Fursuit Parade: 351
Livestream Views: 989
Number of Staff: 89


Furry Migration 2021

Theme: Road Trip
Dates: September 10-12, 2021
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Guest of Honor: Curlwork, Doctor Wildlife
Special Guest: Avian Invasion
Chairpersons: Legonnare, Vulan
Convention Book: 2021 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Photos: 2021 Furry Migration Photography
Attendance: 1132
Super Sponsors: 79
Sponsors: 95
Fursuit Parade: 252
Dealers: 25
Artists: 12
Room Parties: 2


Furry Migration: Online 2020

Dates: December 31st 2020 to January 1st 2021
Location: Tightrope Studios, Kaepernick Building, Minneapolis, MN
LiveStream Viewers: 526
VRChat Visitors: 383
Discord Attendees: 163
Chairpersons: Legonnare, Vulan


Furry Migration 2020

Postponed: September 18-20, 2020


Furry Migration 2019

Theme: The Championship
Guest of Honor: Tracy Reynolds, Brian Reynolds
Dates: September 6-8, 2019
Chairperson: Kurst
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Convention Book: 2019 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Photos: 2019 Furry Migration Studio Photography, 2019 Competition and Wandering Photography, and 2019 Flickr Group
Attendance: 1146
Sponsors: 70
Super Sponsors: 69
Fursuit Parade: 248


Furry Migration 2018

Theme: Midway Menagerie
Dates: September 7-9, 2018
Chairperson: Kurst
Guest of Honor: Rick Griffin, TaniDaReal
Special Guests: Fox Amoore, Pepper Coyote
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Charities and Partners: Leech Lake Legacy, Geek Partnership Society, Minnesota Furs (parent 501c3)
Flyers and Advertisements: Standard Full Color V1, Standard Flyer Color V1, Standard Half Color V1, Standard Full Color V2, Standard Half Color V2, Standard Half BW v2.
T-Shirts: Furry Migration 2018 Pre Convention T-Shirt (done by TaniDaReal)
Photos: 2018 Furry Migration Studio Photography, 2018 Furry Migration Wandering Photography, and 2018 Flickr Group
Attendance: 1107
Sponsors: 79
Super Sponsors: 90
Fursuit Parade: 261


Furry Migration 2017

Theme: Heroes Dividied
Dates: August 25-27, 2017
Chairperson: Kurst
Guest of Honor: Karen Swartz (Talenshi), Malcolm Ray, The Furry Writers’ Guild
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Charities and Partners: Leech Lake Legacy, Geek Partnership Society, Minnesota Furs (parent 501c3)
Convention Book: 2017 Furry Migration Souvenir Guide, 2017 Pocket Guide
Badges: 2017 Furry Migration Heroes Divided Badges
T-Shirts: 2017 At Convention T-Shirt, 2017 Pre Convention T-Shirt
Flyers and Advertisements: 2017 First Flyer, 2017 Second Flyer
Photos: 2017 Furry Migration Fursuit Parade, 2017 Furry Migration Staff Photo, 2017 Furry Migration Studio Photography Gallery, 2017 Furry Migration Flckr Group
Attendance: 929
Sponsors: 65
Super Sponsors: 83
Fursuit Parade: 201


Furry Migration 2016

Theme: The Quest For Shinny
Dates: September 9-11, 2016
Chairperson: Kellic
Guest of Honor: Ursula Vernon, Ifus Moraine, and Sunny Dingo
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Charities and Partners: Whisker Rescue, Geek Partnership Society, Minnesota Furs (parent 501c3)
Convention Book: 2016 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Badges: 2016 Furry Migration Quest For-Shiny Badges
T-Shirts: 2016 Furry Migration Quest For Shiny T-Shirt
Flyers and Advertisements: 2016 Furry Migration Quest For Shiny Flyer
Photos: 2016 Furry Migration Fursuit Parade, 2016 Furry Migration Staff Photo, 2016 Furry Migration Studio Photography Gallery, 2016 Furry Migration Flckr Group
Attendance: 876
Sponsors: 106
Fursuit Parade: 176


Furry Migration 2015

Theme: Back To Migration
Dates: August 28-30, 2015
Chairperson: Kellic
Guest of Honor: Reed Waller, Amber “Vantid” Hill, and Ken Fletcher
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Charities and Partners: Whisker Rescue, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Geek Partnership Society, Minnesota Furs (parent 501c3)
Convention Book: 2015 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Badges: 2015 Furry Migration Badges
T-Shirts: 2015 Furry Migration Convention T-Shirt
Jamzine: 2015 Jamzine for Web
Flyers and Advertisements: 2015 Furry Migration Flyer
Photos: 2015 Furry Migration Fursuit Parade, 2015 Furry Migration Staff Photo, 2015 Furry Migration Studio Photography, 2015 Furry Migration Flckr Group
Attendance: 701
Sponsors: 85
Fursuit Parade: 188


Furry Migration 2014

Theme: Furry Migration
Dates: September 12-14, 2014
Chairperson: Kellic
Guest of Honor: Kyell Gold, Sofawolf Press, Foxfeather
Hotel: The parking lot at Mall of America – Formally called the Ramada Minneapolis Airport hotel
Charities and Partners: Geek Partnership Society, Minnesota Furs (parent 501c3)
Convention Book: 2014 Furry Migration Souvenir Book
Badges: 2014 Furry Migration Badges
T-Shirts: 2014 Precon T-Shirt, 2014 Convention T-Shirt
Flyers and Advertisements: 2014 Black And White Flyer, 2014 Color Flyer
Photos: 2014 Furry Migration Fursuit Parade, 2014 Furry Migration Studio Photography, 2014 Furry Migration Around the Convention Photography, 2014 Furry Migration Flckr Group
Attendance: 543
Sponsors: 79
Fursuit Parade: 115


Furry Migration Con Zero

Theme: Graduating to a real con
Dates: Sept 14-15th, 2013
Chairperson: Kellic
Hotel: The hotel that shall be remembered as the parking lot next to IKEA which has princess cakes.
Flyers and Advertisements: Con Zero Ad
Photos: 2013 Furry Migration Con Zero Photos
Special Notes: This was held as continuation of the MNFurs Fall Picnic that year.

2024 Pre-Registration



This convention is run by staff and volunteers from the community. You can be part of this!

Reserve Your Room

Furry Migration is held in beautiful Downtown Minneapolis. Book your room now to ensure a stress-free Migration!