Code of Conduct

Furry Migration has a simplified unified code of conduct shared with all Minnesota Furs events.

Furry Migration upholds a unified Code of Conduct that is applicable to all convention activities and panels. This code of conduct is based on legal advice and is strictly followed during our convention. Both attendees and staff, including volunteers, are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct. Additionally, we have a Policy Document called “Minnesota Furs (MNFurs) Policies – Code of Conduct Supplemental” that expands on specific rules and regulations of the Code of Conduct. It is important to note that this Policy Document is created with our parent organization, Minnesota Furs (MNFurs), who also organizes other events. Both the Code of Conduct and the MNFurs Policies – Code of Conduct Supplemental apply to Furry Migration and are considered an integral part of our convention’s policies.

For your convenience both documents are listed here.

Code of Conduct

For the latest version of the code of conduct please visit MNFurs Code of Conduct page. The code of conduct here is provided for convenience and any conflicts with the one on MNFurs website is resolved by the MNFurs website version.

It is expected that all members who use the website and people that go to events run by Minnesota Furs to follow the code of conduct.

A PDF version of the code of conduct is located here.


Minnesota Furs Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct & You. Common sense is the basis of the Code of Conduct. This Code serves as a guideline to frame acceptable and unacceptable behavior while taking part in all Minnesota Furs (MNFurs) activities, communities, platforms, and events for our community and organization. Nothing in this document supersedes civil ​law or the rules of any venue where our events may take place; if something is illegal outside our event, it’s illegal inside as well. Additional policies or rules for our events may be applicable as adopted by the Board of Directors. This Code of Conduct applies to all MNFurs attendees, participants, volunteers, and staff members.

Violations. Not all rules and situations are contained within this document. MNFurs, however, has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment in any form. MNFurs reserve the sole right to determine what is classified as harassment or violation of the Code of Conduct.

Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Misrepresentation of age, status within the organization, or status of support/service animals
  • Misuse of the organization’s property or resources
  • Negligent Disregard of Posted Venue Rules & Policies
  • Sexual harassment, or Inappropriate advances or physical touching
  • Physical/verbal abuse
  • Inappropriate interaction with minor
  • Intoxication with any substance while performing any organizational duties
  • Displaying or using iconography, speech of oppression, vulgar displays, and/or harassment of any type towards individuals or groups at our events or on our platforms
  • Any other actions deemed by the board as inappropriate or a Code of Conduct violation

Reporting a Code of Conduct Violation. If you feel that you or someone else is being harassed or subjected to prejudiced or unwelcome behavior, or notice someone behaving inappropriately, please contact an online platform moderator, staff member, or board member right away. Or reach out to us at

Penalties and Disciplinary Actions​. Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in penalties, which include but are not limited to: verbal or written warnings, ejection from activities, communities, events, and platforms, and temporary or permanent suspensions from MNFurs, platforms, and chartered events. Penalties may be increased depending on the severity of the offense. Event staff or moderators will be able to administer warnings or eject members from events or communities. Only the Board of Directors shall be able to administer temporary or permanent suspensions from the MNFurs organization.

Disciplinary Adjudication. If suspended from the MNFurs organization, you may petition the Board of Directors for a hearing no earlier than 15 days into your disciplinary suspension. Any additional actions within the community, taken by you, during your suspension will be considered in determining the next course of action.

In Conclusion​. These rules are provided by the Board of Directors as part of their mission to safeguard the organization, our partners, and most importantly the people who participate in our programs. Please contact event staff or the Board of Directors for any problems or clarifications required. As always, we hope that you enjoy what MNFurs has to offer and have an amazing time.

MNFurs reserves the right to update this Code of Conduct at any time without prior notice. ​The current version will be available at​. ​Nothing in this code shall be construed as waiving any rights or claims under the law on behalf of MNFurs. If you choose not to accept these terms, you may terminate your membership at any time.

Approved on November 1, 2023, MNFurs Board of Directors

Minnesota Furs Policies

To access the latest version of the Code of Conduct, please visit the MNFurs Policies page at The policies listed on our website are provided for convenience, and any conflicts with the version on the MNFurs website will be resolved by the MNFurs website version.

Code of conduct supplemental

The following are our general policies that go into more detail and support our Code of Conduct. A PDF version of these policies is available here.

Operations​. Our event staff are here to serve and assist our attendees by promoting a successful event, upholding the Code of Conduct, and answering any questions. The event hosts are expected to identify themselves appropriately. We ask all attendees to cooperate within reason.

Badges​. Badges are common at large MNFurs events and come in two forms: Membership and Fundraiser. Volunteers and staffers may request to verify membership. Badges remain MNFurs property during the duration of the event. Membership badges show that an individual is an authorized attendee, and must be displayed at all times in the common and function spaces of the event the badge is for. This also includes fursuiters and cosplayers. Distribution and production of counterfeit membership badges are expressly forbidden. At the end of said event, the Membership badge becomes the property of the person said badge is generated

Costumes & Props​. Props of the ‘large and unwieldy’ variety should be carried carefully, mindful of nearby people and property, or perhaps left at home. Costume props are allowed at MNFurs events. We ask that those bringing props keep the event venue and the safety of others in mind.

To ensure the safety of our attendees, we use the peacebonding system for weapons-based props. Please see a staffer for questions on how to proceed. Brandishing or unsheathing any weapon is not allowed except by arrangement in specified locations, and will result in the confiscation of the weapon for the duration of the event.

Costumes bearing a realistic appearance to agencies having authority (police, military etc…) both current and past are not allowed at MNFurs events.  We hold the right to identify what constitutes as realistic in this manner. On-duty personnel are exempt from this rule, and must report to the event staff when coming on site.

General Rating​. MNFurs activities, communities, and events are intended to be accessible to all ages unless explicitly stated. Minors are generally permitted to attend MNFurs events with parental consent. Parents seeking more information about any planned events should contact MNFurs in advance.

Minors. ​Anyone under the age of 18 is a minor per state law. Minors are not permitted under any circumstances to enter areas that have been designated for mature audiences. Unaccompanied minors outside event hours will be considered abandoned and be reported as such to local authorities. Individuals the age of 15 or younger are expected to attend our events with a parent or guardian.

Flyers & Signs​. Signs and posters must be appropriate for the space and audience where they will be placed or they will be removed. Any postings must be made in areas reserved for public notices and should fit with the objective/mission/etc of said event. MNFurs reserves the right to approve or deny signage displayed at events.

Merchandise​. Sales of any products or goods within event space is prohibited unless within areas designated by authorized event staff.

Service Animals. ​MNFurs events observe all state and federal laws relating to service animals. Service Animals in event space may be asked to display an event provided badge to help identify them.

While a venue may permit animals on their premises, areas rented by MNFurs are considered private function space where only service animals are allowed. If you have questions about what constitutes a Service Animal, consult

Representing the Organization​. MNFurs encourages the sharing of your experience. Sharing our community and spreading the culture of the fandom are core to our mission. It is important that during these times you are speaking for yourself, and do not give the appearance, implicit or explicit; of speaking on behalf of or for the organization or its events or regarding issues not delegated to you. Only those authorized by the Board of Directors, Convention Leadership, or Event Runners have been authorized to speak on behalf of the organization. Doing so helps us to speak more clearly and with a common voice.

Social Media​. When speaking or writing in a context which would reasonably be understood to represent MNFurs or one of its programs, volunteers are expected to conduct themselves according to the guidelines in this Code of Conduct. This includes, for instance, public statements such as social media, online message services and public conversation. Conduct that has the effect of associating the organization with behavior contrary to the Code of Conduct is not acceptable.

Media & the Press​. Press passes may be made available to journalists, media photographers, or other members of the press upon request, which may also require accompaniment by event staff. MNFurs staff or other individuals may be made available for interviews where appropriate. Unauthorized recording or interviews during MNFurs events may result in removal or further action.

Photography​. While participating in MNFurs events, photograph(s) or video may be taken of person(s). By participating in the event, you agree to us using said imagery in official group photos and promotional material. Should you or your group wish to withdraw this consent, contact the event hosts and your request will be evaluated on a case-by case basis.

Recording devices are welcome for personal use with permission of the subject(s). Some areas in our events may strictly prohibit recording.

Publication of MNFurs pictures, film, and creative assets are expressly prohibited without written authorization of the MNFurs Board of Directors.

Use of Resources. ​The use of MNFurs goods and services are allowed by the Board on a case by case basis. Advanced notice must be sent to the Board and approved before use of the goods or services. This includes but is not limited to club memberships, physical goods, data and virtual assets, logistics services.

Data Privacy​. MNFurs respects the privacy of its members. It is our policy to restrict the access of personal data and to only release personal data in extreme circumstances or when legally required.

Policies last updated on August 10th, 2022.

Page contents to match MNFurs web pages, have been updated on June 23rd, 2024.



Thank You!

Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!

We will be back in 2025!

We Don’t Stop!

Furry Migration is part of Minnesota Furs a local community grown 501(c)3 non profit. Please check out our next big event!

MidWinter Frolic

Can't wait till next Furry Migration? MidWinter Frolic is coming up!