Pictures Galore!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Furry Migration 2019 convention pictures are ready!

One of the last things Furry Migration need to do close out our 2019 convention is get our pictures up from our talented volunteer photographers. Without further ado here they are.

Furry Migration 2019 studio photographers choice pictures for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Furry Migration 2019 Wandering Photos, Dance Competition, and Floor Wars pictures.

Our full photo library is linked on Flickr.

I want to personally thank all of our photographers this year including Euro, Kehmet, Makalu, and Mouring for taking spectacular shots. Thanks for all your work.

This is Kurst you convention chairman for 2019 over and out!

2024 Pre-Registration



This convention is run by staff and volunteers from the community. You can be part of this!

Reserve Your Room

Furry Migration is held in beautiful Downtown Minneapolis. Book your room now to ensure a stress-free Migration!