Furry Migration 2021 Survey

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Had an awesome or meh time at Furry Migration? NO MATTER WHAT, WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK.

Furry Migration 2021 has closed, and we want your feedback while it is fresh.

So if you went to Furry Migration 2021 please fill out the form.

It is anonymous. Seriously, your submission is anonymous. If you choose to provide any personal information in the answers this information could be used to follow up for additional details or validate that response is from a con-goer.

Thank you for your responses! And we hope you had a great Furry Migration 2021!

2024 Pre-Registration



This convention is run by staff and volunteers from the community. You can be part of this!

Reserve Your Room

Furry Migration is held in beautiful Downtown Minneapolis. Book your room now to ensure a stress-free Migration!