Heroes United!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The heroes prevailed, and Furry Migration 2017 was a resounding success!

Thank you, heroes, for uniting to make Furry Migration a great convention, and thanks to our Guests Heroes of Honor – Malcolm Ray, Talenshi, and the Furry Writers’ Guild President and Vice President for being here to celebrate the furry fandom.

I would also like to thank our staff, volunteers, and partners. You all helped make Furry Migration 2017 happen. Being that Furry Migration and our parent organization, Minnesota Furs, are a 501c3 nonprofit, we could not do it without these tireless volunteers.

Now, looking forward: our theme for 2018 is Midway Menagerie, a celebration of the entertainment and people at fairs small and large. As I was growing up in rural Wisconsin, the local fair was a highlight of my year. My experiences there – the rides, the food, the competition, the prizes – are ones I cherish, and I hope we can capture some of that magic for the furry community!

And next year, we have two certified blue-ribbon Guests of Honor lined up: Rick Griffin, artist and writer of Housepets! (and more), and artist TaniDaReal. We hope that you can step right up next year to celebrate them and the Greatest Furry Migration on Earth!

Thank you for coming out, and see you next year!

Chairman, Furry Migration

2024 Pre-Registration



This convention is run by staff and volunteers from the community. You can be part of this!

Reserve Your Room

Furry Migration is held in beautiful Downtown Minneapolis. Book your room now to ensure a stress-free Migration!