2023 Theme Suggestions

For 2023, we’re looking for staff input on the theme implementation for the theme.

Theming Basis: Disco

As part of the planning of the theming department, the 2023 theme will have a Disco component to it and are looking for a deeper dive into the Disco theme. The format for submissions we’re looking for is x Disco, or vice versa, Disco x. (Examples: “Fantasy Disco”… “Disco Seinfeld”… “Disco Charles… etc).

2023 Theme Submissions
2023 Theme Suggestions
Suggestions for theme implementation for 2023. The "basis" of the theme having the component "disco" in it.

Suggested Implementation of "Disco".*

Suggested Implementation of "Disco".*

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Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!

We will be back in 2025!

We Don’t Stop!

Furry Migration is part of Minnesota Furs a local community grown 501(c)3 non profit. Please check out our next big event!

MidWinter Frolic

Can't wait till next Furry Migration? MidWinter Frolic is coming up!