Youth Programming

A new but rapidly growing portion of Furry Migration is our dedicated youth programming track! This is an all encompassing section of the convention dedicated to furry youth and their families to provide a safe and exciting time.

We will be updating this page to 2022 information in the future.

But you can see our 2019 information below.

Youth programming starts with the programming – panels and activities.  An entire section of programming at Furry Migration is marked as being youth friendly.  These panels cover a variety of topics, many put on by other attendees. Some of the panels are run by staff of the convention and the youth program, tailored specifically and limited exclusively to the youth.  Anything from dealing with being furry at school to how to make and care for a fursuit will be covered!

The support for youth and their families doesn’t stop there.  A dedicated room is set aside as a safe space for youth and their families to gather and get away from the convention, set up so that only authorized convention staff have access.  This room is set up for socializing and with craft activities so that those whom want time away from the hustle and bustle can relax. Activities include things such as artwork and craft supplies.  Parents and guardians have space as well to get to know one another as their kids have fun.

Youth programming isn’t just about the under-18’s, but also about their families.  Furry Migration staff understands how it can be a new and confusing environment to bring your charge.  Take some time to get to know other parents and guardians and avail yourselves of the chance to speak to our staff, and maybe even sit in on ‘Parents and Guardians Only’ panels while the youth are busy with their own activities.  Have questions? Just ask!

For more information please be sure to sign up for our newsletter, or email.


The big con of the year in the Minneapolis area – Furry Migration is finally here!


  • Special room for youth and their parents – We are looking forward to meeting all youth furs and their parents. If you haven’t already heard – there will be a special room for youth and their parents (rm 4114 and rm 4115) It is located on 4th floor where all the other activities will be taking place, but it will be a space to relax and decompress after walking through the herd/group/pack of fursuiters.
  • Youth breakfast – We also have a youth breakfast on Saturday morning from 9:00 – 10:30am in the Consuite on 5th floor. Free to all parents and youth registered with the con. In case your new, the Consuite will provide food and drink throughout the entire convention (Friday – Sunday) at no cost to you because it’s part of your paid registration. (As a parent of a teen, I was really happy to hear about this as my teen is always hungry! Save some rice for her!) (This should not replace a regular meal as most items available are snackable items.)
  • Panel for parents – For newbies also, we have a panel for parents on what to expect during the con. Along with comments/stories from parents who have been there before, there will definitely be a Q & A session, so bring as many questions as you can. (No question is too stupid to ask!)
  • Parent permission form – If your youth is 16 and older, there is a parent permission form that needs to be signed if they are attending without you. You can find it under the registration area on the Furry Migration website.
  • Parent volunteer opportunities – To run a big convention like Furry Migration – it takes a group of dedicated people. How can you help? Sign up for an hour at the youth room. Help serve food in the Consuite. Help check badges at door to ensure only attendees are coming in. These are just a few things that help out alot and make a big impact. These are also things you and your youth can do together!


Areas in the Con – It may be overwhelming at first but there are a lot of great things at the con. Here are just a few to check out:


  • Artist Alley
  • Dealers Den
  • Video and Game area
  • Dance competition
  • Fursuit Parade
  • Panels
  • Room Parties

2024 Pre-Registration



This convention is run by staff and volunteers from the community. You can be part of this!

Reserve Your Room

Furry Migration is held in beautiful Downtown Minneapolis. Book your room now to ensure a stress-free Migration!